Die meisten US-Amerikaner, die sich überlegen zum Plastischen Chirurgen zu gehen, wollen ihr Aussehen nicht einem drastischen Wechsel unterziehen. Dies ergab eine aktuelle Verbraucher-Umfrage unter 1.000 amerikanischen Haushalten, die von der "Amerikanischen Gesellschaft für Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie" (ASAPS) initiiert wurde. Von Frauen und Männern, die angaben, sich einem kosmetischen Eingriff zu unterziehen, bevorzugten 68% eher eine "subtile" Änderung in ihrem Aussehen, während eine Minderheit (23%) eine extreme Änderung als wünschenswert betrachtete. Dieses Ergebnis, so ASAPS, decke sich mit den Erfahrungen der Plastischen Chirurgen, deren Patienten lieber einen "natural-look" sich wünschen.
Die ASAPS Consumer-Studie belegte demnach, dass viele Leute zwar ihr Aussehen ändern möchten, und vor allem mehr Frauen als Männer mit mindestens einer Gesichts- oder Körpermerkmal unzufrieden sind. Unter allen Befragten wünschen sich 39% der Frauen und 22% der Männer "etwas Veränderung" ihres Aussehens. Nur 15% der Frauen und 10% der Männer wünschten sich radikale Änderungen. 25% der Frauen und 14% der Männer, die befragt wurden, äußerten generell konkretes Interesse zu einer kosmetischen Schönheitsoperation. Von dieser Untergruppe sagte die überwältigende Mehrheit, dass sie nicht eine extreme Änderung in ihrem Aussehen wünschen würden; nur 27% der Frauen und 16% Männer könnten sich eine massive Veränderung im Rahmen einer Schönheitsoperation vorstellen.
Unter denjenigen, die sich für kosmetische Chirurgie interessieren, würden 88% der Frauen und 69% der Männer den Empfehlungen ihres Plastischen Chirurgen folgen und ihren Angehörigen dazu raten, sich nicht einer totalen Schönheitsoperation zu unterziehen. Nur 9% der Frauen und 14% der Männer erklärten, sie würden ihren Angehörigen auch einem massiveren Eingriff fürsprechen.
Unter den befragten US-Amerikanern, die sich zur Behandlung bei einem Plastischen Chirurgen unterziehen wollen, würden 35% ein störendes Merkmal geändert wissen, 26% würden zwei Merkmale ändern wollen; 12% würden drei Merkmale operieren lassen; und 9% mehr als drei.
Despite the popularity of "makeover" reality shows, most Americans who might consider cosmetic plastic surgery would not want to drastically change their appearance, according to a national survey of 1000 American households sponsored by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Among women and men who said they would consider having cosmetic surgery, 68 percent would prefer a subtle change in their appearance, while less than one-quarter (23 percent) would consider an extreme change desirable. This finding, says ASAPS, is consistent with the experience of board-certified plastic surgeons, whose patients often stress that they want natural-looking results that will make them look better but not extremely different.
The ASAPS survey found that many people would like to change something about their appearance, and more women than men are dissatisfied with at least one facial or body feature. Among all Americans, 39 percent of women and 22 percent of men wish that they could change something about their appearance. Only 15 percent of women and 10 percent of men said they would make an extreme change. 25 percent of women and 14 percent of men surveyed said they would consider cosmetic plastic surgery. Among this subgroup, the overwhelming majority said they would not want an extreme change in their appearance; only 27 percent of women and 16 percent of men said they would favor an extreme change.
Among Americans who would consider cosmetic surgery, 88 percent of women and 69 percent of men said that, following their surgery, they would want family members to say they look better but "like the same person." Only 9 percent of women and 14 percent of men said they would want to be told they no longer look like their former self.
Among Americans who said they would consider cosmetic surgery, 35 percent would change one feature; 26 percent would change two features; 12 percent would change three features; and 9 percent would change more than three features. Robert Bernard, MD, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, says that altering several features does not mean a person's looks will dramatically change. "Many people have multiple cosmetic procedures, either at the same time or at different times in their lives," says Dr. Bernard, a plastic surgeon in White Plains, NY. "This doesn't mean that their looks are radically altered. Often, physical features may need to be adjusted only minimally to achieve aesthetic improvement or restore a more youthful appearance."
Dr. Bernard says that the survey suggests most Americans take cosmetic plastic surgery seriously. "The results of the ASAPS survey illustrate that, while people may enjoy the voyeurism of watching television shows in which others undergo total transformations, most people don't want that for themselves," he says. "It takes a great deal of specialized training and skill for board-certified plastic surgeons to be able to achieve subtle, aesthetically pleasing refinements that look natural and preserve the individual's unique character. Above all, it's important for the aesthetic plastic surgeon and patient to establish good communication so that both parties understand the goals for surgery and what kind of results they want to achieve."
The TeleNation survey, by the research firm Synovate, was conducted from November 21-23, 2003. The telephone survey consisted of 1000 interviews with adults 18 years of age or older, using a sample technique that ensures random selection among all telephone numbers and an independent sample. The results were equally representative of male and female respondents. The margin of error for the portions of the survey sampling all Americans is 3.1 percent, while the margin of error for the portions of the survey sampling only those who would consider cosmetic surgery is 7.3 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.
Letzte Aktualisierung am 29.07.2015.
Plastische Chirurgie - Plastic Surgery,